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Illness, Crisis, and Loss ; 31(3):504-524, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20245199


In this paper, we have mapped the coping methods used to address the coronavirus pandemic by members of the academic community. We conducted an anonymous survey of a convenient sample of 674 faculty/staff members and students from September to December 2020. A modified version of the RCOPE scale was used for data collection. The results indicate that both religious and existential coping methods were used by respondents. The study also indicates that even though 71% of informants believed in God or another religious figure, 61% reported that they had tried to gain control of the situation directly without the help of God or another religious figure. The ranking of the coping strategies used indicates that the first five methods used by informants were all non-religious coping methods (i.e., secular existential coping methods): regarding life as a part of a greater whole, regarding nature as an important resource, listening to the sound of surrounding nature, being alone and contemplating, and walking/engaging in any activities outdoors giving a spiritual feeling. Our results contribute to the new area of research on academic community's coping with pandemic-related stress and challenges.

Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods ; 2023.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-20231370


In this article, two new estimators of population proportion of a sensitive characteristic are introduced by using a method analogous to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Then, a new unbiased regression type estimator is developed by utilizing these two estimators. The proposed estimator is, then, compared with its competitor at the same level of protection of the respondents. Also included is a study, based on data collected during summer 2021, of the currently hot topic of estimating the proportion of students, 18 years and older, returning to schools in fall 2021, who tested positive for COVID-19.

Theory and Practice in Language Studies ; 13(5):1172-1181, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2321391


This article discusses lexical and semantic changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we describe semantic shifts, new concepts, and neologisms associated with the COVID-19 pandemic based on the results of an associative survey. A total of 142 respondents voluntarily participated in our online survey. The term 'coronavirus' was taken as a stimulus word. Respondents had to answer what colour and number the word 'coronavirus' is associated with. The results of the study show that the stimulus 'coronavirus' in the minds of people activates the colours red, green, black, blue, yellow and very weakly causes associations with brown, white, gold, purple, colourless, as well as the frequency of the number 19. Additionally, according to the results of the study, it can be said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, negative meanings of colourative vocabulary were actualized (except green, because this colour began to symbolize safety), and numbers and some new concepts that have a nonpositive colouring appeared.

e-BANGI ; 20(1):223-235, 2023.
Article in Malay | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2300797


Kajian ini bertujuan meneroka pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang risiko jangkitan HIV/AIDS, faktor keterlibatan dalam hubungan romantik dan ketertarikan seks sesama jantina. Masih kurang kajian yang memberi tumpuan kepada amalan hubungan romantik dan ketertarikan seks sesama jantina serta kesedaran mahasiswa tentang HIV/AIDS impak daripada tingkah laku seks berisiko ini. Banyak kajian terdahulu lebih menumpu kepada faktor keterlibatan dalam hubungan romantik dan ketertarikan seks sesama jantina tanpa mengaitkannya dengan kesedaran mahasiswa gay terhadap jangkitan HIV. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian kes dan direkabentuk bersesuaian kaedah kajian kualitatif. Seramai empat informan dalam kalangan mahasiswa Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia yang membuat pengakuan identiti gay telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Pemilihan informan adalah menggunakan teknik Persampelan Snow Ball. Pengumpulan data telah dijalankan secara atas talian dengan menggunakan medium Google Meet. Semua informan ditemubual dalam talian secara konferen video. Data temu bual dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat empat faktor risiko keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam hubungan romantik dan tingkah laku seksual sesama jantina iaitu (i) pengalaman menjadi mangsa gangguan seksual semasa kecil, (ii) faktor naluri semulajadi, (iii) pengaruh rakan/komuniti berisiko gay dan (iv) pengaruh negatif daripada media sosial dan internet. Informan juga mempunyai pengetahuan asas tentang risiko jangkitan HIV. Walau bagaimanapun, kesemua informan percaya tingkah laku mereka mempunyai risiko rendah dan tidak mudah untuk dijangkiti HIV. Salah faham tentang risiko jangkitan HIV bagi seks tidak selamat dan seks luar tabi' dipercayai mendorong amalan hubungan seks sesama jantina dilakukan tanpa rasa takut dan menurunnya keprihatinan kepada seks selamat dalam kalangan mahasiswa gay. Kajian mencadangkan salah faham tentang risiko jangkitan HIV sebagai faktor baharu penyebab amalan seks sesama jantina yang berterusan dalam kalangan informan yang dikaji. Intervensi perlu dibentuk bersesuaian faktor risiko hubungan romantik dan tingkah laku seksual sesama jantina agar ia dapat dibendung daripada menular dalam kalangan mahasiswa gay.Alternate :This study aims to explore the knowledge of HIV/AIDS infection risk and the factors that contribute to same-sex romantic relationship involvement and same-sex sexual attractions among university students. Less studies have been done focusing on same-sex romantic relationships and same-sex sexual attraction among self-identified gay university students and their awareness of the HIV/AIDS impact due to risky sexual behaviour. Many previous studies were found to focus only on gay students' romantic relationships and samesex sexual attraction involvement factors without relating these factors with their awareness of HIV infection. This study uses a case study approach and is designed following qualitative research methods. Four students who self-identified as gay were selected as informants. Snow Ball Sampling is used as the informants' selection technique. Data collection was conducted online using the Google Meet platform. All informants were interviewed online via video conference. The thematic analysis has been used to analyse the interview data. The study analysis demonstrated four risk factors conduce to a same-sex romantic relationship and samesex sexual behaviours among gay students: (i) sexual abuse experienced during childhood;(ii) same-sex sexual attraction as an instinct factor;(iii) gay friends/community influenced and (iv) internet and social media negative influence. All informants are identified to have basic HIV risk infection knowledge. However, those in a same-sex relationship believe same-sex romantic relationships and same-sex sexual practices have a low risk of HIV infection. The misunderstanding of HIV infection in same-sex sexual practices and unsafe sex is believed to contribute to a consistent no fear of same-sex sexual practices and less concern towards safe sex among ay students. This study suggests a misunderstanding of HIV infection as the new factor contributing to continuous same-sex sexual practices among studied informants. Intervention needs to be developed tailored to the same-sex romantic relationship and same-sex sexual attraction risk factors to curb the spread among gay students.

Journal on Migration and Human Security ; 11(1):99-108, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2296946


While youth are routinely lauded as "change-makers,” they are often underserved and unsupported in refugee responses. As the Rohingya face protracted displacement in Bangladesh, what is the state of youth inclusion in the response? Do youth and adolescents feel supported, or are they ignored and left behind?To answer these questions, the paper uses: Literature on youth participation and inclusion in humanitarian programming;Key informant interviews with practitioners from national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and UN agencies;Focus group discussions and key informant interviews with refugee individuals and groups across nine camps for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. It finds that: Refugee Rohingya youth and adolescents remain firmly on the margins of humanitarian programming, and are largely excluded from decision-making processes;Approximately 96 percent of surveyed youth between 18 and 24 years of age report being unemployed;For surveyed women aged 18–24 years, unemployment rates bordered on 99 percent;and Stress and anxiety are omnipresent amongst the community: an overwhelming majority of respondents reported experiencing disturbing thoughts and resorting to negative coping mechanisms. The paper ends with a series of recommendations to the Strategic Executive Group (SEG) and the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG), to donors, the international community, and the government of Bangladesh. 1

Revue Française de Sociologie ; 63(2):311-332, 2022.
Article in French | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2268593


Résumé. La pandémie de la COVID-19 et la crise sanitaire et sociale qui en a découlé ont encouragé la conduite d'entretiens semi-directifs par téléphone ou par visioconférence. À partir de trois enquêtes réalisées par des jeunes femmes portant sur l'intime et ayant recours aux entretiens biographiques, cette note méthodologique examine les façons dont l'entretien à distance transforme la nature des matériaux collectés et recompose ce taisant le mode de production de connaissances sociologiques. Elle montre que le distanciel renouvelle les profils sociaux accessibles en ouvrant la voie à des configurations inédites. Elle donne également à voir les atouts de ce dispositif pour accéder à l'intériorité du sujet et souligne son potentiel dans les cas où des positions asymétrlques entre enquêteur/rice et enquêté·e dans les rapports de pouvolr (en particulier de genre) sont susceptibles d'entraver la relation d'enquête, risquant dès lors d'appauvrir les connaissances produites.Alternate :The COVID-19 pandemic and the health and social crisis it caused led researchers to conduct semi-directive interviews either by telephone or videoconferencing. On the basis of three surveys on intimate personal matters conducted by young women and requiring life history interviews, this methodological assessment examines the ways in which remote interviewing of these kinds changes the nature of the material collected and in so doing rearranges the sociological knowledge production mode. It shows how remote interviewing renews accessible social profiles by opening a path to previously unknown configurations. It also shows the advantages of this arrangement for accessing the subject's inner thoughts, feelings, and processes, and highlights its potential for cases where asymmetrical interviewer/respondent power positions (particularly gender positions) are likely to hinder interviewer-respondent rapport, risking an impoverishment of the knowledge produced.Alternate :Die COVID-19-Pandemie und die damit entstandene Sanitäts- und Sozialkrise haben die Leitfadengespräche über Telefon oder Videokonferenz gefördert. Ausgehend von drei von jungen Frauen durchgeführten Untersuchungen zur Intimsphäre anhand von biographischen Gesprächen prüft diese methodologische Notiz, wie das Ferngespräch die Art der gesammelten Materialen verändert und dabei den Produktionsmodus von soziologischen Kenntnissen neugestaltet. Sie zeigt, dass das Distanzgespräch die erreichbaren Sozialprofile erneuert, indem der Weg zu bisher nicht vorhandenen Konfigurationen geöffnet wird. Sie zeigt außerdem alle Pluspunkte dieser Vorgangsweise zur Erreichung der Interiorität des Subjekts und unterstreicht ihr Potential in den Fällen, in denen die asymmetrischen Positionen zwischen Befrager und Befragten innerhalb der Machtbeziehungen (besonders Gender) möglicherweise die Befragungsbeziehung einschränken und somit die produzierten Kenntnisse verringern könnten.Alternate :La pandemia de COVID-19 y la crisis sanitaria y social que ha derivado de ella han llevado a la realización de entrevistas semi-directivas por teléfono o por cia. A partir de encuestas que llevaron très mujeres jóvenes acerca de lo íntimo y que se basaban en entrevistas biográficas, nuestra nota metodológica observa de qué manera la entrevista a distancia transforma la naturaleza del material colectado y por lo tanto reorganiza el modo de producción de conocimientos sociológicos. Muestra que la comunicación a distancia renueva los perfiles sociales accesibles al posibilitar configuraciones inéditas. También revela las ventajas del dispositivo para acceder a la interioridad del sujeto y subraya su potencial en los casos en los que posiciones asimétricas entre investigador a y encuestado a en las relaciones de poder (en particular de género) podrían frenar la relación de investigación y así empobrecer los saberes producidos.

Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance ; 25(2):169-183, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2256327


PurposeThe purpose of this study was to create a theoretical model by combining the technology acceptance model (TAM) with the theory of technology readiness (TR) and then empirically test it to identify the key factors influencing older citizens' intention to adopt and use mobile health (m-health), which has emerged as a tool to facilitate health-care rights for all.Design/methodology/approachThe convenience sampling method was used to collect data from 465 respondents aged 60 and up from the Delhi-National capital region of India using a questionnaire survey method. The data collected for this study were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 3.0.FindingsThe study's findings indicate that all TR components influence perceived usefulness (PU) and ease of use. The exception is discomfort, which does not affect perceived ease of use (PEOU). Furthermore, PU and PEOU influenced the older citizen's attitude toward m-health, and attitude influenced their intention to use m-health applications.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to apply the TAM in combination with TR index to examine the acceptability of m-health consulting by the older citizen in an emerging economy like India.

American Politics Research ; 51(2):161-173, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2252370


During the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders and society at large invoked militarized rhetoric and war metaphors to elevate essential workers and inspire collective action. Using a survey experiment we investigate whether this type of framing affects public views about (1) individual responsibilities, (2) targeted polices, and (3) perceptions of those called heroes and soldiers. We find that the war metaphor has minimal effects on public attitudes toward policies and individual actions in response to the pandemic. Framing the response in militaristic terms does, however, appear to affect perceptions of essential workers. Counter to our hypotheses, subjects who saw essential workers called heroes or soldiers viewed them as more motivated by compensation rather than service, and expressed less respect for them, than respondents in the control. These findings, including the nulls, make important contributions to our understanding of the limits of framing effects in a polarized context.

International Journal of Water Resources Development ; 39(2):337-359, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2252198


Water safety plans address both routine operations and incident responses to support risk management in drinking water utilities. Their use and relevance in facing the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis were investigated via a survey distributed to water utilities and health or environmental agencies across the globe. Responses from 86 respondents from 38 countries were analysed to identify the water safety challenges faced and responses. Water safety plans appear to provide some preparedness and organizational advantages to utilities in facing the Covid-19 crisis, including stronger communication links between utilities and governing agencies. Guidance for future water safety planning is provided.

Malaysian Journal of ELT Research ; 19(2):79-96, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2286904


The COVID-19 pandemic has created considerable challenges for higher education across the globe. Drastic measures such as university closures have accelerated a shift to online learning and digital assessment. Malaysian universities have also transitioned to remote learning and digital testing in the wake of the pandemic. In the midst of this major paradigm shift, many questions regarding the effectiveness of online tests from the perspective of university students have not been addressed. The present study explores Malaysian university students' insights of doing online writing tests versus pen-paper tests. One of the aims of the study was to determine whether students used online resources as mediation tools when attempting an online writing test. Data were gathered anonymously using an online survey of 193 respondents. Using content analysis, it was found that majority of the respondents expressed a preference for online writing tests as opposed to conventional pen-paper tests. Students also reported using online resources as mediation tools to aid writing during digital writing assessments. In general, respondents revealed that the online environment which allows them access to digital tools makes writing easier and less demanding. The respondents also opined that convenience, ability to manage time, conducive environment and affordance of digital resources make online testing an attractive option for writing assessment. The findings suggest that test setters and educators should consider the impact of online writing environments and digital tools when designing online writing tests. Further interpretations and useful pedagogical implications are discussed.

International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development ; 14(1), 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2264182


COVID-19 is a pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has spread to several countries of the world resulting in economic hardship and travel restrictions. This paper presents findings on the baseline study of COVID-19 and biometric technologies. The study included succinct discussions on biometric technologies prior to and since outbreak of COVID-19 and an online survey involving 2438 randomly selected individuals via questionnaire that centered on the world s economy with daily application of biometric technologies. The questionnaire featured indices on biometric technologies and global security, the rating of each biometric mode in the global security performance scale among others. Analysis of data from the survey established the paradigm shift in biometric applications from contact-based to contact-free since the outbreak of the disease, low risk level between COVID-19 and biometric technologies and diminishing cash flow in biometric market. © 2022 Information Resources Management Association. All rights reserved.

European Political Science Review : EPSR ; 15(1):136-144, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2232565


The Schwartz theory of personal values has been used extensively, and almost exclusively quantitatively, by researchers to increase understanding of the impact of values on human behaviour. While it provides a well-tested methodology and common language, the approach has been limited by its reliance on survey work, in which the researcher asks participants questions of interest, and then correlates these with respondents' self-reporting of their values. There is limited qualitative work that has drawn on the insights of the Schwartz theory. The main exception is based on a lexicon of values words derived from Schwartz's work which has been used to identify dominant societal values across time. We are proposing that the Schwartz theory can also be used to analyse values appeals in persuasive speech. Using thematic analysis of an example of political persuasion, we illustrate how Schwartz's values work can be further adapted for qualitative research.

Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management ; 31(1):149-155, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2231648


In this study, we examine how the two facets of the fear of terrorism—the affective and behavioural fears—shift over time. To this end, we use a unique longitudinal data set of a representative sample of 755 Dutch respondents, recruited from the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences panel, in the time period between November 2017 and May 2020. We find that the reported affective fear of terrorism is significantly lower during the COVID‐19 crisis in 2020 than it was in 2017. Yet a divergent trend for behavioural fear of terrorism occurred. In spite of decreased affective fear of terrorism threats, respondents in 2020 reported increased protective and avoidance behaviours, similar to behaviours promoted to stop the spread of COVID‐19.

West European Politics ; 46(3):477-499, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2229785


As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments even in consolidated democracies have adopted drastic measures, temporarily constraining individual freedoms and expanding executive political decision making. In light of this trade-off between public health measures and democratic norms, it becomes crucial to assess the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on public support for democratic versus authoritarian regimes. Following insights of the affective intelligence theory, emotions, and not only rational considerations, are key to understanding behavioural and attitudinal responses to crises. In the article it is argued that the pandemic threat of COVID-19 affects regime preferences by evoking distinct negative emotions, in particular anger and fear. Using original survey data in six European countries, it is shown that COVID-19-induced anger and fear have divergent effects on regime preferences. While democratic regime preference has declined for angry respondents, there is also a message of hope: fearful respondents display increased support for a democratic regime.

Philologica Jassyensia ; 18(2):281-292, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2218754


During the whole pandemic and especially during the period from March 2020 to the summer of the same year, when many countries saw general lockdowns, persons working in the field of entertainment faced a debilitating blow. One such group consisted of the street musicians of Athens, whom I had studied as part of a European program conducted under the auspices of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The present paper has multiple aims. It looks at the matter of how far research carried out over the internet is effective and academically valid and it also examines the subject of the emotional world of those taking part in this process. More particularly, the paper attempts to throw into relief the feelings and emotions of researchers and, secondarily, the feelings of the informants who participated in research through the platforms Webex, Zoom and Skype. The research had started at the end of 2019 and involved fieldwork on one of the streets of central Athens, but, with the onset of Covid was subsequently conducted solely over the internet for several months until the summer of 2020. When in November 2020 another lockdown was imposed, I reverted once more to the internet as my sole research tool. By reference to interviews between informant and researcher, I tried to touch on matters of ethics and the thoughts and worries of researchers on the matter. Through reference, too, to interviews with informants, I tried to throw light on the thoughts and reflections that researchers entertain regarding their work and the problems that they faced during the pandemic.

Cogent Social Sciences ; 8(1), 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2187832


The paper sought to find out whether gender influences the use of emerging technologies among higher education students at the University of Cape Coast. A data set of 357 respondents was used. It was found that more than half of the respondents were accustomed to the use of emerging technologies which translated in the improvement of their understanding of unclear concepts in their learning. However, the study showed no statistically significant difference in students' academic performance and their use of emerging technologies. The respondents indicated that they learn best when emerging technologies are available during the learning period (p = 0.017). Further, there was improvement in performance when respondents use emerging technologies to enhance learning. This study concludes that one should be circumspect when using emerging technologies in learning as they can contribute positively and negatively depending on the nature of usage.

Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities ; 5(1):28-40, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2083755


Introduction: COVID-19 is not over yet. Prevention of COVID-19 is still being carried out and the emphasis is on increasing knowledge of health students so that they are expected to influence positive attitudes and behaviours to prevent COVID-19 in health students. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between individual characteristics and knowledge about COVID-19, especially for health students on campus because the campus community is a community that can contribute to preventing the transmission of COVID-19 through breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19. Objectives: This article aims to determine the sociodemographic characteristics of students related to students' knowledge about COVID-19. Methods: This type of research is a type of quantitative research with a cross sectional design. The number of samples was 323 health students at Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang Health Analyst Department which was determined by saturated sampling technique. The method of data collection was done through an online questionnaire technique and assisted by the google form program. Data analysis using univariate test and bivariate test (Continuity Correction) to determine the relationship between respondent characteristics and student knowledge. Results: The results of statistical tests with Continuity Correction values successively from gender, age, education level and history of COVID-19 are 0.723, 0.417, 0.084 and 1.00 which indicate a value of > 0.05 so it can be concluded that the student characteristics have no relationship. with the level of student knowledge related to COVID-19. The benefit of the results of this study is that it can measure student knowledge and see the relationship between respondents' characteristics and students' level of knowledge. Conclusions: The results of the study have implications for the application of appropriate types of counselling or socialization activities to be applied to health students, for example education using booklets or videos. Although the results of the knowledge category obtained are high, it is important to continue to carry out education and health promotion programs as an effort to increase knowledge and support COVID-19 prevention practices. © 2022,Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. All Rights Reserved.

Drustvena Istrazivanja ; 31(3):405-427, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2067058


Prethodna istraživanja uglavnom su zanemarivala mišljenja hotelskih zaposlenika o zdravlju (na radnom mjestu), uključujući njegovu povezanost s pandemijama (kao što je COVID-19). Ovo istraživanje ispituje ta mišljenja usmjerujući se na slučaj slovenske hotelske industrije. Anonimni web-upitnik, kao jedina praktična mogućnost, poslan je tijekom pandemije potencijalnim ispitanicima u hotelima diljem zemlje. U analizi primijenjeni su sljedeći pristupi: univarijatna analiza, provjera intervala pouzdanosti za srednju vrijednost, analiza glavnih komponenti s Varimax-rotacijom te Spearmanov i Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije ranga. Većina ispitanika promijenila je svoj stav prema zdravlju tijekom pandemije (x2 = 2,66). Analizom glavnih komponenti (PCA) uvedena je redukcija dimenzionalnosti skupa podataka i izdvojeno je pet komponenti koje čine 60,3 % ukupne varijance. Zbog niskog rs i rp, sve su komponente zanemarivo povezane s demografskim karakteristikama, kao i s promjenom zabrinutosti za zdravlje ispitanika zbog pandemije COVID-19.Alternate :Previous research has mostly overlooked the hotel employee-related perspectives on (occupational) health, including its relation to pandemics (such as COVID-19). This research examines this perspective focusing on the case of the Slovenian hotel industry. An anonymous web questionnaire, as the only practical option, was sent during the lockdown to potential respondents from hotels throughout the country. For the analysis, the following approaches were employed: univariate analysis, the check of reliability and confidence intervals for the means, principal component analysis with Varimax rotation, and Spearman's and Pearson's rank-order correlations. The majority of respondents changed their attitude towards health during the pandemic (x2 = 2.66). Using PCA, dimensionality-reduction of the dataset was implemented. A five-component solution, in which components account for 60.3% of the total variance, was identified. Due to low rs and rp, all components are negligibly correlated to demographic characteristics as well as to the respondents' changing health concerns due to COVID-19.

PS, Political Science & Politics ; 55(4):661-667, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2050224


Using survey data collected less than two weeks before the 2020 presidential election, we investigated why likely Trump voters would support Trump resisting the election results if he lost. We first used an experiment with randomized hypothetical popular-vote margins to test whether support for resistance was contingent on the results of the election. We also directly asked respondents who stated that they would support resistance to explain their reasoning in an open-ended response. In doing so, we gained insight into one of the most turbulent elections in American history and examined how support for resistance existed before the election due to both misinformation about voter fraud and hyperpartisanship that made Trump voters view the electoral process itself as illegitimate.

The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies ; 17(2):49-64, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2030459


This study addresses the everyday life in the city of Split during the tourist season from the perspective of the quality of life (QOL) concept. The research was conducted in June 2020, through an online survey distributed among a sample of 328 residents of Split aged 18 and above. A high percentage of respondents earn income from tourism (41.5%). Opinions are divided concerning its overall impact on the quality of life. While economic indicators are seen as positive, the rest are mostly rated negatively. The majority of respondents do not find the existing model of tourism to be sustainable, with their responses independent of earning income within the sector. The locals’ attitudes toward tourists are mostly assessed as friendly (45.1%). However, a significant percentage of respondents also point to indifference (24.7%) or hostility (10%), which can be associated with the work in the tourism industry and the assessment of its negative impacts on the quality of life. The general divisions among respondents within the study, as well as numerous negatively rated QOL elements, indicate the need for planning a more sustainable model of tourism. This includes achieving a greater representation of selective forms of tourism, reducing the dominance of the sector compared to other branches of the economy and increasing the quality of life in Split.